美国是一个对安全要求非常严格的国家,美国本土的所有电子产品生产企业早在很多年前就要求有相关安规检测。而随着亚马逊在全球商业的战略地位不断提高,境外的电子设备通过亚马逊不断涌入美国市场,美国对境外的电子产品生产企业并没有强制性的安规检测。之前发生了一系列的电子产品起火事件,针对这个情况,2017年9月24号美国相关部门发布了专门针对电商的法律,要求亚马逊有义务通知在亚马逊平台上销售的境外电商提供相关安规报告,在未提交UL标准的检测报告之前,亚马逊必须责令商家停止销售。并且要求检测报告必须是ISO17025/ILAC ISO 17025标准认可的实验室出具的合格报告。
Greetings from It has come to the attention of our Product Safety department that concerns have been logged regarding a product sold by you. I’m writing as part of an internal investigation to address our mutual customer’s concerns regarding that product and aid in bringing about a satisfactory resolution for them.
The complaints are regarding B07M8XXXX3P –8 Pack Sensitive Gum Care Replacement Brush Heads Compatible with Oral b Braun Electric Toothbrush. Soft Bristle for Superior and Gentle Clean and the customers' comments are as follows:
1-“The overall quality of the brush heads is fine, but inside them are these little spring-like metal pieces that constantly pinch the inside of my cheeks when i use them.
Last night, i think it got a cold sore and made it start drawing blood.
Bit of a design flaw to have honestly"
2- "I bought these as a replacement for Oral B children's toothbrushes.
The little metal piece/spring seems poorly designed.
One child used it, and it cut his lip.
He pulled out another brush head from the package that looked to be a little better to use the next time.
The next morning, my other son accidentally used the new brush head,, and it cut his mouth as well.
We are Definitely not using again"
3- "I've had it for less than a week I think and already my lip has somehow gotten caught in one of the small holes twice now and bled, an issue I've never had with the oral-b brush heads.
Honestly kind of scared to use it, because the second time I was trying to be careful not to do it and still couldn't avoid it.
I liked how small the brush part was though, since I've got a petite mouth.
Just wish it was designed more safely.
And maybe it was just a bad brushhead, I'll try using another one from the pack and seeing if it's any better or if I still have this issue"
4- "The lips are caught in the small hole with the spring in the brush and they are injure"
Product Safety asks that you please respond with the appropriate documentation within 7 days by taking the following steps:
1. MOST IMPORTANT: Submit all relevant safety testing data and certification for the item in English. We ask that you include testing specifically related to the incident in question. Please refer to the attached word document of “Product Compliance Guidelines” if you have any questions. PLEASE NOTE: An MSDS does not suffice for safety testing.
The appropriate standard for this product appears to be UL 1431, but others may apply. If you have questions about the appropriate standards for the product, please consult with the laboratory directly.
2. Provide images of the product (front, back, accessories, and packaging); safety/compliance marks and logos (e.g. FCC, UL, and ETL); and safety labels and warnings on the product or packaging. Please also attach the, model number, serial number, UPC code and a copy of the instruction manual.
Thank you for your swift attention to this matter. We look forward to resolving this to our mutual satisfaction.
Please note:
Although your ASIN might be available at the moment, your product will be removed from the website if we do not hear back from you with the requested documents within the next 7 days.
To see the file named 'US_CA Product Compliance Guidelines - 17025.pdf' included with this correspondence, please use the Seller Central case link given below the signature.
Esmeralda V. Product Safety
If you are not the original recipient of this message, please do not reply to this message and respond via the following link:
NOTE: If you have FBA inventory associated with the listings above, it will be stranded and subject to required removals if the ASINs are not reinstated within 30 days. To avoid this please appeal and provide documentations at your earliest opportunity. For details on when your units are scheduled for automatic removal visit Fix stranded inventory:
Please note that you must ensure removal/disposal orders are successfully executed.
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